Summer is coming to a close my friend. 😥 Which means a new season is quickly approaching bringing with it new schedules and let's just be honest - pure chaos.
That's why establishing a morning routine now will help you ease into the new schedule that will be here in just a few short weeks.
What are some not-so-great habits you're struggling with right now that could effect your morning routine? Staying out too late? Binging Netflix? Scrolling Instagram until Midnight? (Guilty of all three)! Make a list and then decide which ones you are going to change so you can set yourself up for success the next morning.
Here are some habits you can start now that’ll make your morning routine successful when the new schedule comes. And remember, you’ll have to push through the first few days and weeks, but eventually it’ll become a habit.
💖 Think and plan ahead the evening before
💖 Don't hit snooze. Wake up to your favorite music, podcast.
💖 Start bedtime 5 minutes earlier each night until you get to your ideal bed time.
💖 Charge your phone and electronics somewhere else besides the bedroom during the night
💖 Start with 3 obtainable habits in the morning, you can always add or edit as your schedule changes, examples: make the bed, exercise, coffee (sounds amazing)
💖 Figure out how much earlier you need to wake up before your kids wake up or have to be in at work. Then tack on an additional 15 minutes.
💖 Establish Sanity Boundaries - Do you need alone time to meditate? Journal? Do you need a tidy space? Meals planned out? Make sure your household knows these boundaries and what they need to do help you achieve your morning routine.
I put together a free download to help you get started and will hopefully bring order and sanity into your day!